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This library is not maintained. Please upgrade to XLocalizer for a newer and easier localization experience.

Express Localization

By Ziya Mollamahmut

Less is more, do full localization in fewer steps...

Install from nuget :

Install-Package LazZiya.ExpressLocalization

What is ExpressLocalization?

A nuget package to simplify the localization setup of any Asp.Net Core web app to fewer steps.

ExpressLocalization does all below localization settings easily:

  • Defines global route template by adding {culture} pattern to all routes, so urls will be like
  • Registers RouteSegmentRequestCultureProvider, so culture selection can be based on route value.
  • Defines SharedCultureLocalizer for localizing all razor pages depending on a shared resource.
  • Localization of all DataAnnotations error messages.
  • Localization of ModelBinding error messages.
  • Localizing IdentityDescriber errors messages.
  • Registers client side validation libraries for validating localized input fields like decimal numbers.
  • Configures app cookie to add {culture} value to the redirect paths when redirect events are invoked.

Some options requires installing additional nuget packages like :