meta info


By Ziya Mollamahmut

What is it?

A collection of useful TagHelpers for any ASP.NET Core project.

Installation :

Install via nuget package manager:

Install-Package LazZiya.TagHelpers

Then add to _ViewImports.cshtml:

@addTagHelper *, LazZiya.TagHelpers


  • Paging TagHelper
  • Alert TagHelper
  • LanguageNav TagHelper
  • Localization Validation Scripts TagHelper

Create a pagination control styled with bootstrap 4.x using simple html tag.

<paging page-no="Model.PageNo" 

PagingTagHelper default

Create bootstrap alerts using very simple html tag.

    My alert text ...

AlertTagHelper - success

Create a language dropdown navigation for websites. Supported cultures will be used to create the navigation items.

<language-nav flags="true"></language-nav>

LanguageNavTagHelper with flags

Add all client side scripts that are required for validating localized inputs like decimal numbers, dates, ..etc.


Localization number es

Live demos: