Localizing Custom Backend Messages
By Ziya Mollamahmut
Custom backend error messages can be localized by injecting IStringLocalizer
, IHtmlLocalizer
, IStringLocalizerFactory
or IHtmlLocalizerFactory
to the controller or PageModel as below:
using XLocalizer
public class IndexModel : PageModel
private readonly IStringLocalizer _loc ;
public string CustomMessage { get ; set ; }
public IndexModel ( IStringLocalizer loc )
_loc = loc ;
public void OnGet ( )
CustomMessage = _loc [ "Localized custom backend message" ] ;
By default, XLocalizer will use one shared resource the one we used in startup setup LocSource .
If you want to use a different resource, just pass its type into the localizer interface, :
private readonly IStringLocalizer _loc ;
public IndexModel ( IStringLocalizer < IndexModel> loc)
_loc = loc ;
Or create the localizer using the factory:
private readonly IStringLocalizer _loc ;
public IndexModel ( IStringLocalizerFactory factory)
_loc = factory . Create ( typeof ( MyResourcetype ) ) ;
XML based localization: If the resource file is not found it will be created automatically by XLocalizer
, but the folder must exists.
RESX based localization: The resource file must be created manually, or can be created automatically by exporting from XML or DB.
DB based localization: The type passed must be relevant to an existing DB table that implements IXDbResource