meta info
  • Title: LazZiya.ImageResize - Image Frame (border)
  • Keywords:, image, resize, crop, scale, text watermark, animated, gif, conditional, frame, border, fill
  • Description: Image resizing tool for .Net applications to resize images and add text/image watermark, Supports most common image types including animated gif.
  • Author: Ziya Mollamahmut
  • Date: 11-Mar-2021
  • Image:
  • Image-alt: LazZiya.ImageResize Logo
  • Version: v4.0

By Ziya Mollamahmut

Image Frame

Draw a frame around the image, speicify frame style, color, distance, ...etc. This method will not resize the front image, but will add additional space around it to draw the frame.

Wide Image

Why Image Frame?

Imagine you have a shopping site, and some products has wide images, while other products has image hight more than other. What is the ideal size to fit all different images in a fixed frame? in some cases you can fix it with CSS by defining max-width and max-height. But that is not the ideal solution!

For example see below two images with different sizes:

Wide Image


Long Image

Sample without using AddFrame:

When we do resize above two images with Scale method:

using(var img = Image.FromFile("my-image-file.jpg")
    // Scale image by its width and height, till it fits.
    img.Scale(300, 300)

The result is like below:

Wide Image Long Image

Sample using AddFrame

Now lets just add a frame after resize:

using(var img = Image.FromFile("my-image-file.jpg")
    // Scale image by its width and height, till it fits.
    img.Scale(300, 300)
       .AddFrame(310,310, new ImageFrameOptions { FillColor = Color.White })

Now we have two identical images:

Wide Image Long Image

Change Image Frame Options

You can play with ImageFrameOptions to customize color, width and shape of the frame and the background. You may even use your imagination to create fantastic frames like below :)

using(var img = Image.FromFile("my-image-file.jpg")
    img.ScaleAndCrop(150, 150)
        .AddFrame(265, 265, new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 3, FrameColor = Color.DarkSlateBlue, FillColor = Color.Snow })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 5, FrameColor = Color.BlueViolet })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 4, FrameColor = Color.Gold, DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 8, FrameColor = Color.CornflowerBlue, DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 4, FrameColor = Color.PaleGoldenrod, DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 10, FrameColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 4, FrameColor = Color.DarkSlateBlue })

Original image:

Original image


Resized with frame

Or combine with image mask to get different shape:

// make ellipse frame
using(var img = Image.FromFile("my-image-file.jpg")
    img.ScaleAndCrop(150, 150)
        // Apply rouded mask
        .Mask(new Rectangle(0,0, 150, 150), ImageFrameShape.Ellipse)
        .AddFrame(265, 265, new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 3, FrameColor = Color.DarkSlateBlue, FillColor = Color.AliceBlue, FrameShape = ImageFrameShape.Ellipse })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 5, FrameColor = Color.BlueViolet, FrameShape = ImageFrameShape.Ellipse })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 4, FrameColor = Color.Gold, DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot, FrameShape = ImageFrameShape.Ellipse })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 8, FrameColor = Color.CornflowerBlue, DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash, FrameShape = ImageFrameShape.Ellipse })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 4, FrameColor = Color.PaleGoldenrod, DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot, FrameShape = ImageFrameShape.Ellipse })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 10, FrameColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue, FrameShape = ImageFrameShape.Ellipse })
        .AddFrame(new ImageFrameOptions { Thickness = 4, FrameColor = Color.DarkSlateBlue, FrameShape = ImageFrameShape.Ellipse })

Original image:

Original image


Resized with frame

All methods are available with the conditional If variation.