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Add Text Watermark

By Ziya Mollamahmut

Easily add a text watermark, change its location, opacity, font size, color, ...etc.

using(var img = Image.FromFile("wwwroot/images/my-image.jpg"))
using(var img = Image.FromFile("wwwroot/images/my-image.jpg"))
    var tmOps = new TextWatermarkOptions
                    Location = TargetSpot.Center,
                    Margin = 5, // distance from border
                    FontSize = 40,
                    FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                    TextColor = Color.FromArgb(70, Color.White), // Use alpha channel to change opacity
                    BGColor = Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Black), // set alpha to 0 to remove background
                    OutlineColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Black), // Use alpha channel to change opacity
                    OutlineWidth = 0.5f // draw an outline around the text

    img.AddTextWatermark("LazZiya.ImageResize", tmOps)

Static Image - Static Watermark

Sample image with text watermark

  • All methods can be combined with resize methods:
using(var img = Image.FromFile("wwwroot/images/my-image.jpg"))
  • Text watermark can be applied to animated images as well
using(var img = AnimatedImage.FromFile("wwwroot/images/my-image.gif"))

Animated Image - Static Text Watermark

Animated image obtained from Giphy